Panel Discussions
On Political Reporting, AI

November 29, 2023 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Leading thinkers and journalists sparked lively discussion in two panels about political reporting and artificial intelligence at the launch event of the Ethics and Journalism Initiative. The event occurred on Nov. 29, 2023. You may read a recap or view a video of the entire conversation.


This event occurred on Nov.  29, 2023. You may read a recap or view of a video of the panel on covering politics ethically and robustly in an age of polarization and disinformation, and read a recap or view of a video of the panel about how to get the most value from AI while minimizing the risks of errors, deep fakes and lost trust from the public.

Read more about political reporting here, and learn more about AI through these suggested readings.

The panelists: Wesley Lowery, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author and podcast host formerly at CBS News and The Washington Post; Jay Rosen, a leading press critic and reviewer; Lydia Polgreen, a New York Times opinion columnist and podcast host; Nancy Solomon, a New Jersey Public Radio senior reporter and founding managing editor; Hilke Schellman, an investigative reporter, data journalist, computer scientist and NYU assistant professor; Amanda Barrett, the Associated Press’s vice president of standards and inclusion; and Mo Tamman, a Reuters investigative reporter.

Moderators:  Stephen J. Adler, director of the NYU Ethics and Journalism Initiative and former EIC of Reuters and BusinessWeek; and Gina Chua, executive editor of Semafor.